Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Part III : A No Win Situation

As per Lord Wiki:

no-win situation, also called a “lose-lose situation”, is one where a person has choices, but no choice leads to a net gain. For example, if an executioner offers the condemned the choice of dying by being hanged, shot, or poisoned, the condemned is in a no-win situation... In a less morbid example, if one has a choice for lunch between a ham sandwich and a roast beef sandwich, but is a vegetarian, that might be considered a no-win situation.

So, how is it relevant to any discussion on Indian education? Frankly, I don't know. Just a thought came as I began to write this piece. As they say, 'soch kahin bhi aa sakti hai.'

So here it goes... Part III of this series and the second reason why students and parents get disillusioned and disengaged with education.

Who wants education anyway? We have all heard romantic stories about really under-privileged and deprived people cutting all corners (which is ridiculous as many don’t have any corners to cut, to start with!) to pay for the nearby private school fee in the hope of educating their kids. My kaamwali bai spends half her salary on the school and tuition fee for her two children!

Do these people actually care for education? 

Nonsense. All they want for themselves and their kids are three things-
  1. Paisa (money)
  2. Izzat (respect in peer group/society)
  3. Taraqqi ke asaar (hope of future growth)
And before you frown at the over-simplification, hang on a moment. These very things may be true even for you and many of us more elitist ones too.

Coming back to my point, people by-and-large really don’t give a damn about education other than the fact that education seems to be their only hope for above three. So, when a family cuts on its meager rations so that the child can go to school, the father is actually praying that his son/daughter will one day make more money than he ever did, will have greater respect in society and will grow up into someone they can all be proud of some day. These are the three, and maybe only three, wins which matter in the game of education.

Alas! The God of education in India seems to be deaf to most of these prayers. And how…

The right to education (RTE) has two fundamental, and apparently well-intentioned provisions-
  1. That no kid can be ‘failed’ up to class 8th irrespective of the fact whether he has attained the learning proficiency levels for that class or not.
  2. That every child has to be taken in his ‘age appropriate class’ whether or not his learning level matches with the requirement of that class. 
Now, the arguments in favor of above (the child does not fail but the system fails him, failing leaves indelible psychological scars on the child, and the like) are obviously noble. The question is how (or who) is this sensitivity and concern helping? The combined effect of above two manifests in many ways, which can hardly be called desirable by any yardstick-
  • While we have an acute shortage of good teachers, the fact is that even the best teachers are bound to be challenged in our system. Any teacher, when given a class of 50 students spread across 5 different academic levels, can find himself out of depth.
  • The teacher, not able to teach and not allowed to fail, goes through the motion (there goes your teacher motivation). He barely covers the course, gives a few questions and their answers for the students to cram and reproduce in the ‘exams’.
  • A kid in class 7th (say) who is actually at class 5 level and is so completely overwhelmed by the syllabus finds escape in cramming those questions and the sham continues. There is no challenge, no engagement, no success and no failure!
  • But only till class 8th! Come class 9th, and our kids fail by scores and eventually drop out of the schooling system (middle school drop-out rate in India is more than 80%)
In this scenario, what is the chance that our children will learn any meaningful academic/ vocational/ professional skills? Can they hope for any kind of economic returns out of this kind of ‘schooling’? Can they hope to attain growth and social status through this education? Are they being prepared adequately to make a responsible contribution for themselves, their families and to the country?

Finally, do we actually believe that mid-day meals, school toilets, direct subsidy, and what have you (though all arguably positive, sensitive steps) will compensate for above?

The truth is that people don’t care for this sham. Indians are tough people. They don’t necessarily want it ‘easy’. They will any day take a tough game with an even and fair chance of meaningful rewards. 

However, to the utter misfortune of this great nation and its people, the ringmasters of education in their convoluted wisdom have ensured that there is no way people are getting their three victories (paisa, izzat, taraqqi ke asaar) through education. They have made education a game that nobody can possibly win.

Or maybe someone is already winning, just not the one you expected??!!

Friday, February 6, 2015

Part II : For Whom The School Bell Tolls?

Ernest Miller Hemingway : 1899-1961
Nobel Prize winning American author and journalist Ernest Hemingway, known for works like A Farewell to Arms, For Whom The Bell Tolls and The Old Man and the Sea, was a master of telling tragic tales in his economical and understated style.

Indian school education is also a tragic tale, albeit being told quite extravagantly.

Why India needs to educate its some 25 crore school kids is a question which does not need any scholarly deliberation. The Internet is full of information, conclusions and rhetoric on the subject. In any case, it all boils down to (and variations of) -
  • Industry needs it… how else are we going inculcate higher order skills among our workers and be more productive, profitable, and competitive in the market place?
  • Country needs it… is there a better kindling to fuel the economic engine, really?

  • World needs it… courtesy (as I heard Shekhar Kapoor say at a forum) our failed family planning program over last 30 years, we now have a demographic dividend… Meaning we have crores of able bodied, young people even as most advanced countries have an aging populace (poor suckers are being penalized for such sins as great health services, higher life expectancy, social security, etc.)… Meaning that we will be the global suppliers of blue-collar workers in times to come… Meaning, if our kids are not educated, it will cause serious inconvenience globally.

Uneducated Indians are a big nuisance. And since nuisance value is often the most urgent and compelling value, crores of our uneducated kids have suddenly become very valuable. No wonder everyone is talking about Indian education. After all, this is about human resource of the future!

Now, here is a term that I love for its in-your-face honesty and transparency – Human Resource. It does not try to camouflage anything. The operating word here is RESOURCE, which to my mind is something that can be drawn upon, used and consumed to create wealth and benefits… for someone else because the resource itself is obviously getting consumed!

And that, gentlemen, is the first reason why all our efforts on education are failing. Looking at our kids as 'resource' we simply never asked what the children themselves and their families might want from education. What could be their motivations, limitations, concerns, rewards and benefits?

Needless to say that we are paying a big cost of not paying enough attention to this seemingly small aspect. All our education programs, investments and implementation efforts are going horribly wrong with we being absolutely clueless!

Consider this broad scenario-
  • As per ASER 2014, enrolment up to primary level has come to 96%. However, the kids are not learning anything worthwhile. Data also says that student attendance is falling. The question is that those who are coming to school, why are they coming and what are they doing there? There are some pointers-
    • Incentive such as mid-day meal and other enticements/motivations (state specific) play a big part.
    • Small kids going to school bring peace to home for morning domestic chores and hence mothers are motivated to send them to school!
    • The school itself is by and large a jolly good time for kids with teachers hardly present or interested in teaching.
    • But most importantly, at this level, the basic learning outcomes are visible to the parents even if they may not count for anything much in ASER or PISA surveys. For example, kids learn reading and writing in the native language, and basic counting and arithmetic skills start showing up in a practical sense – recognize and count money, check correct balance when a small item is sold/purchased, etc.
  • Things become interesting when these kids come to class 6th.
    • The studies start becoming more serious and involved. Since, as ASER report suggests, they have not learnt anything much till now, the going gets impossibly tough for most of them.
    • Even though RTE ensures that they can’t be ‘failed’ and made to repeat a class till 8th, the experience itself is exasperating for many children and demotivates and disengages them from education.
    • The futility of it all starts dawning on the kids as well as the parents. They start feeling that even if they drag up to 9th, they are sure to fail there and, in any case, passing 10th is a very bleak possibility.
    • In our system, employment and employability is practically out of question for someone who does not have a 10th pass certificate. This is the basic minimum eligibility for almost every job in private or government sector. Without this certificate, one can only hope for low or semi-skilled self-employment.
    • In such a scenario, the sooner one learn the tricks of any vocation that comes his way, the better it is. School appears a waste of time and drop out rate start mounting. In fact, data suggests as high as ~80% drop outs during the middle school years in India!
    • Onset of puberty also adds its twist to the whole equation. Girls start dropping out due to social and practical reasons (no toilets in schools, for example), and boys start dropping out as the family can definitely use another bread earner.
Unfortunate as it may sound, the fact is that, for most of our kids there is an opportunity cost of time spent in school. A poor child (and his parents) who can’t see how his education might translate into economic benefits and a better life in current and foreseeable future might be motivated to opt for menial work, which gives him money here and now.

Frankly, for all the global and national brouhaha, education is a luxury many can’t afford.